Online Giving

To Return Tithe and Offerings Online - Please Click Here or on the sign above

Dear Members and Friends of the Vista Seventh-day Adventist Church: 
God's blessings to you! 
We are very blessed by your faithful support! We are pleased to know that this new convenience will make it easier for you to continue your appreciated support to our church and its ministries!  Please click on the link provided below, it will redirect you to the Adventist Giving page (North American Division), where you will open an account. Once you open your account you will be able to return THE LORD's Tithe and you will be also able to contribute to Local Church Budget or 19 other optional funds listed under local funds.  

Note: We fund our Ministries from contributions made into our Church Budget. 

Your participation is very meaningful to us! Please let us know how we can minister to you!
GOD's blessings upon you and your loved ones! Thank you again!

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New Century Version (NCV) 

6 "Remember this: The person who plants a little will have a small harvest, but the person who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give. GOD loves the person who gives happily. And GOD can give you more blessings than you need. Then you will always have plenty of everything—enough to give to every good work."